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Fareed Ayaz and Abu Muhammad Rung, Coke Studio Season 5 Episode 4

Posted: 23 Jun 2012 12:29 PM PDT

Fareed Ayaz and Abu Muhammad singing Rung QawwaliRung is a Kalaam originally written by Amir Khusro in his early years. Though there is no evidence to prove this, it is said that Khusro was inspired to write the kalaam after he met his pir Nizamuddin Auliya. He returned home in a state of ecstasy and told his mother that the world has a glow of divine radiance because he has met the person he had always been searching for.

Khusro was a frequent visitor of Hazrat Mehboob-Illahi's shrine and the qawwali was initially recited there and in time it spread to other khanqahs and dargahs. Rung became an important part of many different sufi orders such as the Qadris and Chishtis and became the usual finale of each gathering because of the spiritual effect it was said to have on people.

This version of Rung is considered to be the closest to the original rendition by Amir Khusro. It has been featured this season along with Hadiqa Kiyani’s version to show the similarity and contrast between two very different versions of the same Qawali. One reason why traditional music continues to survive today is because of its evolution in time. By featuring two different versions of Rung in one season, this point is highlighted and experimentation with traditional music is encouraged – provided the essence of the original is not sacrificed.

This Qawali version goes through a wonderful journey of musical 'colors', which should be a treat for music lovers.

Fareed Ayaz and Abu Muhammad Rung performed in Coke Studio Season 5 Episode 4 – Watch full music video & download mp3 below:

[ Download Mp3 ]

Rung – Lyrics

Title: Rung – رنگ – Colour

Language: Braj, Persian, Urdu

رینی چڑھی
raini chaṛhi
The night has dawned…

رینی چڑھی رسول کی
raini chaṛhi rasool ki
The night has dawned of the Prophet's celebration

سو رنگ مولا کے ہاتھ
so rung maula ke haath
And his slave, Ali, oversees the colourful jubilation

رینی چڑھی
raini chaṛhi
The night has dawned…

کیا بات ہے
kya baat hai
No words for it!

رینی چڑھی رسول کی
raini chaṛhi rasool ki
The night has dawned of the Prophet's celebration

سو رنگ مولا کے ہاتھ
so rung maula ke haath
And his slave, Ali, oversees the colourful jubilation




رینی چڑھی
raini chaṛhi
The night has dawned…

رسول کی
rasool ki
Of the Prophet's celebration

کیا بات ہے
kya baat hai
No words for it!

اور رنگ مولا کے ہاتھ
aur rung maula ke haath
And his slave, Ali, oversees the colourful jubilation

jis ki chunar
Whosoever's veil

jis ki chunar rung diyo
Whosoever's veil you dyed

سو دھن دھن وا کے بھاگ
so dhan dhan wa ke bhaag
Happy was their fortune!

آج رنگ ہے اے ماں رنگ ہے ری
aaj rung hai e maan rung hai ri
This day there's jubilant colour, Mother! Jubilant colour!

آج رنگ ہے اے ماں رنگ ہے ری
aaj rung hai e maan rung hai ri
This day there's jubilant colour, Mother! Jubilant colour!

چلو ری
chalo ri
Come on, oh!

آج رنگ ہے اے ماں رنگ ہے ری
aaj rung hai e maan rung hai ri
This day there's jubilant colour, Mother! Jubilant colour!

ارے سب مل چلو ری
are sab mil chalo ri
Come on all, oh!

آج رنگ ہے اے ماں رنگ ہے ری
aaj rung hai e maan rung hai ri
This day there's jubilant colour, Mother! Jubilant colour!

ارے اے رے میرے محبوب کے گھر
are e ri mere mahboob ke ghar
At my sweetheart's home, there is jubilant colour!

اری اے ری سکھی ری
ari e ri sakhi ri
Oh listen, my friend!

میرے محبوب کے
mere mahboob ke
At my sweetheart's…

ہو میرے محبوب کے گھر
ho mere mahboob ke ghar
Oh, at my sweetheart's home

میرے محبوب کے گھر
mere mahboob ke ghar
At my sweetheart's home

اری اے ری سکھی ری میرے محبوب کے گھر
ari e ri sakhi ri mere mahboob ke ghar
Oh listen friend, at my sweetheart's home

میرے محبوب کے گھر
mere mahboob ke ghar
At my sweetheart's home

میرے محبوب کے گھر رنگ ہے ری
mere mahboob ke ghar rung hai ri
At my sweetheart's home, there is jubilant colour

آج رنگ ہے اے ماں رنگ ہے ری
aaj rung hai e maan rung hai ri
This day there's jubilant colour, Mother! Jubilant colour!

آج رنگ ہے اے ماں
aaj rung hai e maan
This day there's jubilant colour, Mother!

رنگ ہے اے ماں
rung hai e maan
There's jubilant colour, Mother!

آج رنگ ہے اے ماں
aaj rung hai e maan
This day there's jubilant colour, Mother!

صبغت اللہ
The Colour of God

اللہ کا رنگ
allah ka rung
The Colour of God

رنگ تو فقط اللہ کا رنگ ہے
rung to faqat allah ka rung hai
Colour is only what is God's colour

آج رنگ ہے اے ماں
aaj rung hai e maan
This day there's jubilant colour, Mother!

اے ماں رنگ ہے ری
e maan rung hai ri
O Mother, there is jubilant colour!

آج رنگ ہے اے ماں
aaj rung hai e maan
This day there's jubilant colour, Mother!

آہے چلو ری
aahe chalo ri
Oh come on!

آج رنگ ہے اے ماں
aaj rung hai e maan
This day there's jubilant colour, Mother!

آہے چلو ری
aahe chalo ri
Come on, oh!

آج رنگ ہے اے ماں
aaj rung hai e maan
This day there's jubilant colour, Mother!

This day

This day

This day


جس کی چونر رنگ دے ساجن
jis ki choonar rung de saajan
Whoever's veil the beloved dyes

جس کی چونر رنگ دے ساجن وہ رانی کہلائے
jis ki choonar rung de sajan woh raani kahlaae
Whoever's veil the beloved dyes, she gets known as queen

آج رنگ ہے اے ماں
aaj rung hai e maan
This day there's jubilant colour, Mother!

آہے چلو ری
aahe chalo ri
Come on, oh!

آج رنگ ہے اے ماں
aaj rung hai e maan
This day there's jubilant colour, Mother!

رنگ ہے ری
rung hai ri
Jubilant colour!

میرے محبوب کے گھر
mere mahboob ke ghar
At my sweetheart's home

اے ری سکھی ری میرے محبوب
e ri sakhi ri mere mahboob
O listen friend, at my sweetheart's home

ارے ہاں ہاں میرے محبوب کے گھر
are haan haan mere mahboob ke ghar
Oh yes, yes! At my sweetheart's home

میرے محبوب کے گھر رنگ ہے ری
mere mahboob ke ghar rung hai ri
At my sweetheart's home, there is jubilant colour

میرے محبوب کے گھر رنگ ہے ری
mere mahboob ke ghar rung hai ri
At my sweetheart's home, there is jubilant colour

میرے محبوب کے گھر
mere mahboob ke ghar
At my sweetheart's home

میرے محبوب کے
mere mahboob ke
At my sweetheart's

میرے محبوب کے گھر
mere mahboob ke ghar
At my sweetheart's home

الٰہی تا بود
ilaahi ta buwad
O Divine Lord! Till the…

الٰہی تا بود
ilaahi ta buwad
O Divine Lord! Till the…

خورشید و ماہی
khursheed o maahi
sun and moon remain

Divine Lord

Divine Lord

الٰہی تا بود
ilaahi ta buwad
O Divine Lord! Till the…

خورشید و ماہی
khursheed o maahi
sun and moon remain

چراغِ چشتیاں را روشنائی
charaagh–i chishtiyaan ra raushanaai
Let the Lamp of the 'Chishtis remain illumined

آج رنگ ہے اے ماں رنگ ہے ری
aaj rung hai e maan rung hai ri
This day there's jubilant colour, Mother! Jubilant colour!

میرے محبوب کے گھر
mere mahboob ke ghar
At my sweetheart's home

اے ری سکھی ری میرے محبوب کے گھر رنگ ہے ری
e ri sakhi ri mere mahboob ke ghar rung hai ri
O friend, at my sweetheart's home there is jubilant colour!

سجن ملاورا انت بدھاورا
sajan milaawara anat badhaawara
I have now found my beloved, joyous felicitations!

چلو ری میرا محبوب ملاورا
chalo ri mera mahboob milaawara
O come, I have found my sweatheart

آہے چلو ری میرا محبوب ملاورا
aahe chalo ri mera mahboob milaawara
Come on, Oh I have found my sweatheart!

سجن ملاورا مورے آنگن
sajan milaawara more aangan
I have found my beloved in my courtyard

آج رنگ ہے
aaj rung hai
This day, there's jubilant colour

اجی موہے پیر پایو
aji mohe peer paayo
O I've found my guide

موہے پیر پایو
mohe peer paayo
I've found my guide

موہے پیر پایو
mohe peer paayo
I've found my guide

نظام الدین اولیاء
nijaam-ud-din auliya
Nizamuddin Auliya

موہے پیر پایو
mohe peer paayo
I've found my guide

آہے آہے آہے وا
aahe aahe aahe wa
O yes I have

موہے پیر پایو
mohe peer paayo
I've found my guide

نظام الدین اولیاء
nijaam-ud-din auliya
Nizamuddin Auliya

نظام الدین اولیاء
nijaam-ud-din auliya
Nizamuddin Auliya

نظام الدین اولیاء
nijaam-ud-din auliya
Nizamuddin Auliya

نظام الدین اولیاء
nijaam-ud-din auliya
Nizamuddin Auliya

محبوب نظام الدین اولیاء
mahboob 'nijaam-ud-din auliya
Dear Nizamuddin Auliya

نظام الدین اولیاء
nijaam-ud-din auliya
Nizamuddin Auliya

نظام الدین اولیاء
nijaam-ud-din auliya
Nizamuddin Auliya

نظام الدین اولیاء
nijaam-ud-din auliya
Nizamuddin Auliya

واجہ نظام الدین اولیاء
'khaaja nijaam-ud-din auliya
Khwaja Nizamuddin Auliya

خواجہ نظام الدین اولیاء
khaaja 'nijaam-ud-din auliya
Khwaja Nizamuddin Auliya

خواجہ نظام الدین اولیاء
khaaja 'nijaam-ud-din auliya
Khwaja Nizamuddin Auliya

خواجہ نظام الدین اولیاء
khaaja 'nijaam-ud-din auliya
Khwaja Nizamuddin Auliya

کسی محبوب کی ان سے سوا کیا دلربائی ہو
kisi mahboob ki un se siwa kya dilrubaai ho
Which beloved besides him can be such a heart-stealer?

کہ وہ
kih woh
That he…

کہ وہ محبوب ہیں ایسے کہ محبوبِ  الٰہی ہوں
kih woh mahboob hain aise kih mahboob-i ilaahi ho
That he is a beloved like the 'Beloved of God'

خواجہ نظام الدین اولیاء
khaaja 'nijaam-ud-din auliya
Khwaja Nizamuddin Auliya

خواجہ نظام الدین اولیاء
khaaja 'nijaam-ud-din auliya
Khwaja Nizamuddin Auliya

موہے پیر پایو
mohe peer paayo
I've found my guide

پایو نظام الدین اولیاء
paayo nijaamuddin auliya

منظام الدین اولیاء
nijaam-ud-din auliya
Nizamuddin Auliya

نظام الدین اولیاء
nijaam-ud-din auliya
Nizamuddin Auliya

جب دیکھو مورے سنگ ہے اے ماں رنگ ہے ری
jab dekho more sang hai e maan rung hai ri
Whenever I look, he is with me! Mother, there is jubilant colour!'

وہ تو جب دیکھو
wo to jab dekho
Whenever I look, he…

ارے ہاں ہاں ہاں
are haan haan haan
Oh yes, yes , yes!

وہ تو جب دیکھو مورے سنگ ہے
woh to jab dekho more sang hai
Whenever I look, he is with me

یہ کیوں کہوں کہ غمِ زندگی گراں گزرا
yih kyon kahoon kih gham-i zindagi garaan guzra
Why should I say that the pain of life was hard to bear?

یہ کیوں کہوں کہ غمِ زندگی گراں گزرا
yih kyon kahoon kih gham-i zindagi garaan guzra
Why should I say that the pain of life was hard to bear?

یہ کیوں کہوں کہ غمِ زندگی گراں گزرا
yih kyon kahoon kih gham-i zindagi garaan guzra
Why should I say that the pain of life was hard to bear?

یہ کیوں کہوں کہ غمِ زندگی گراں گزرا
yih kyon kahoon kih gham-i zindagi garaan guzra
Why should I say that the pain of life was hard to bear?

وہ ساتھ ساتھ رہے میں جہاں جہاں گزرا
woh saath saath rahe main jahaan jahaan guzra
He stayed with me whichever place I went

خواجہ نظام الدین اولیاء
khaaja nijaam-ud-din auliya
Khwaja Nizamuddin Auliya

خواجہ نظام الدین اولیاء
khaaja nijaam-ud-din auliya
Khwaja Nizamuddin Auliya

موہے پیر پایو نظام الدین اولیاء
mohe peer paayo nijaamuddin auliya
I've found my guide, Nizamuddn Auliya

نظام الدین اولیاء
nijaam-ud-din auliya
Nizamuddin Auliya

نظام الدین اولیاء
nijaam-ud-din auliya
Nizamuddin Auliya

جب دیکھو مورے سنگ ہے اے ماں رنگ ہے ری
jab dekho more sang hai e maan rung hai ri
Whenever I look, he is with me! Mother, there is jubilant colour!'

وہ تو جب دیکھو
wo to jab dekho
Whenever I look, he…

ارے ہاں ہاں ہاں
are haan haan haan
Oh yes, yes , yes!

وہ تو جب دیکھو
wo to jab dekho
Whenever I look, he…

ارے ہاں ہاں ہاں
are haan haan haan
Oh yes, yes , yes!

ہم میں تم اور تم میں ہم گم ہو گئے
ham men tum aur tum men ham gum ho gaye
I lost myself in you and you lost yourself in me

ہم میں تم
ham men tum
I in you

اور تم میں ہم
aur tum men ham
and you in me

گم ہو گئے
gum ho gaye
…lost ourselves

ہم میں تم اور تم میں ہم گم ہو گئے
ham men tum aur tum men ham gum ho gaye
I lost myself in you and you lost yourself in me

ہوتے ہوتے
hote hote
in the process

ہوتے ہوتے
hote hote
in the process


ایک ہم تم ہو گئے
aik ham tum ho gaye
We you and I became one

وہ تو جہاں دیکھو ارے ہاں ہاں ہاں
woh to jahaan dekho are haan haan haan
Wherever I look, oh yes, yes, yes!

وہ تو جہاں دیکھو
wo to jahaan dekho
Wherever I look

مورے سنگ ہے اے ماں رنگ ہے ری
more sang hai e maan rung hai ri
He is with me, Mother! There is jubilant colour

میں تو ایسو رنگ اور نہیں دیکھی رے
main to aiso rung aur naheen dekhi re
Never have I seen such colour anywhere else, oh!

میں تو ایسو رنگ اور
main to aiso rung aur
Never have I seen such colour…

ارے محبوبِ الٰہی
are mahboob-e-ilaahi
O beloved of God

میں تو ایسو رنگ اور
main to aiso rung aur
Never have I seen such colour…

اے محبوبِ الٰہی
e mahboob-e-ilaahi
O beloved of God!

دیس بدیس میں
des bades men
From land to land

دیس بدیس میں
des bades men
From land to land

ڈھونڈھ پھری ہوں
dhoondh phiri hoon
I have wandered, seeking

دیس بدیس میں
des bades men
From land to land

آہے دیس بدیس میں
aahe des bades men
Oh! From land to land

دیس بدیس میں
des bades men
From land to land

ہاں دیس بدیس میں
haan des bades men
Yes! From land to land

دیس بدیس میںڈھونڈھفریپھریہوں
des bades men dhoondh phiri hoon
From land to land, I have wandered seeking

تورا رنگ من بھایو
tora rung man bhaayo
Yours is the colour that has smitten my heart

main tora rung
Your colour, I…

تورا رنگ من بھایو
tora rung man bhaayo
Yours is the colour that has smitten my heart

خواجہ نظام الدین
khaaja nijaam-ud-din
Khwaja Nizamuddin

تورا رنگ من بھایو
tora rung man bhaayo
Yours is the colour that has smitten my heart

پیر نظام الدین
peer nijaamuddin
My guide, Nizamuddin

تیری صورت
teri soorat
Your form

تیری صورت سے کسی کی نہیں ملتی صورت
teri soorat se kisi ki naheen milti soorat
You form is not like anyone else' form

تیری صورت سے
teri soorat se
Your form…

تیری صورت سے
teri soorat se
Your form…

کسی کی
kisi ki
Anyone else's

نہیں ملتی صورت
naheen milti soorat
…is not like the form

تیری صورت سے کسی کسی کسی کی
teri soorat se kisi kisi kisi ki
Your form (is not like) anyone else, anyone else, anyone else's

نہیں ملتی صورت
naheen milti soorat
…is not like the form

میں جہاں میں تیری تصویر لئے پھرتا ہوں
main jahaan men teri tasweer liye phirta hoon
I carry around your picture in the world

ہاں تورا رنگ من بھایو
haan tora rung man bhaayo
Yes! Yours is the colour that has smitten my heart

میں تورا رنگ
main tora rung
Your colour, I…

تورا رنگ من بھایو
tora rung man bhaayo
Yours is the colour that has smitten my heart

میں تورا رنگ
main tora rung
Your colour, I…

بس تورا رنگ من بھایو
bas tora rung man bhaayo
Only yours is the colour that has smitten my heart

میں تورا رنگ
main tora rung
Your colour, I…

تورا رنگ من بھایو
tora rung man bhaayo
Yours is the colour that has smitten my heart

میں تورا رنگ رہیو ماں
main tora rung rahiyo maan
Your colour, I – remain, Mother!

ہاں میں تو ایسو رنگ
haan main to aiso rung
Yes, such colour, I…


This post, Fareed Ayaz and Abu Muhammad Rung, Coke Studio Season 5 Episode 4 , was originally published at

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Hamayoon Khan Tora Bahraam Khaana, Coke Studio Season 5 Episode 4

Posted: 23 Jun 2012 12:29 PM PDT

Hamayoon Khan Tora Bahraam Khaana performed in Coke Studio Season 5 Episode 4 – Watch full music video & download mp3 below:

[ Download Mp3 ]

Tora Bahraam Khaana - Lyrics

Title: Tora Bahraam Khaana – تورہ بهرام خانه – Black Bahraam Khan

Language: Pashto

تورہ بهرام خانه، نوابه
tora bahraam khaana nawaaba
O dark and handsome Bahram Khan, beloved!

تورہ بهرام خانه، نوابه
tora bahraam khaana nawaaba
O dark and handsome Bahram Khan, beloved!

څڼې دې غوړې کړه چې باد ئې رپوينه
sane de ghware kra che baad e rapaweena
Pomade your locks so that the breeze flutters them softly


تورہ بهرام خانه، نوابه
tora bahraam khaana nawaaba
O dark and handsome Bahram Khan, beloved!

څڼې دې غوړې کړه چې باد ئې رپوينه
sane de ghware kra che baad e rapaweena
Pomade your locks so that the breeze flutters them softly


څڼې دې غوړې کړه چې باد ئې رپوينه
sane de ghware kra che baad e rapaweena
Pomade your locks so that the breeze flutters them softly


اول مې فکر در ته نه و، نوابه
awal me fikr dar ta na w nawaaba
At first, my thoughts did not wander towards you, beloved!

اول مې فکر در ته نه و، نوابه
awal me fikr dar ta na w nawaaba
At first, my thoughts did not wander towards you, beloved!

اوس مې د زړه ستنې کږې درپسې دینه
us me da zra stane kage dar pase deena
Now the columns of my heart have bent towards you


تورہ بهرام خانه، نوابه
tora bahraam khaana nawaaba
O dark and handsome Bahram Khan, beloved!

څڼې دې غوړې کړه چې باد ئې رپوينه
sane de ghware kra che baad e rapaweena
Pomade your locks so that the breeze flutters them softly


څڼې دې غوړې کړه چې باد ئې رپوينه
sane de ghware kra che baad e rapaweena
Pomade your locks so that the breeze flutters them softly


اول دې وی چې رامئین شه، نوابه
awal de we che ra-mayan sha nawaabah
At first, you told me: "Become my adorer", beloved!

اول دې وی چې رامئین شه، نوابه
awal de we che ra-mayan sha nawaabah
At first, you told me: "Become my adorer", beloved!

اوس راته وایه زړګی صبر کړہ مئینه
us raata waaya zarge sabr kra mayana
Now you tell me: "Restrain your little heart, adorer"


تورہ بهرام خانه، نوابه
tora bahraam khaana nawaaba
O dark and handsome Bahram Khan, beloved!

څڼې دې غوړې کړه چې باد ئې رپوينه
sane de ghware kra che baad e rapaweena
Pomade your locks so that the breeze flutters them softly


تورہ بهرام خانه، نوابه
tora bahraam khaana nawaaba
O dark and handsome Bahram Khan, beloved!

څڼې دې غوړې کړه چې باد ئې رپوينه
sane de ghware kra che baad e rapaweena
Pomade your locks so that the breeze flutters them softly


څڼې دې غوړې کړه چې باد ئې رپوينه
sane de ghware kra che baad e rapaweena
Pomade your locks so that the breeze flutters them softly


الا تورہ تورہ
ala tora tora
Oh lustrous black

جانه تورہ تورہ
jaana tora tora
Dear lustrous black

او تورہ تورہ
ao tora tora
O lustrous black

الا تورہ تورہ
ala tora tora
Oh lustrous black

تورہ تورہ
tora tora
lustrous black

الا تورہ تورہ
ala tora tora
Oh lustrous black

جانه تورہ تورہ
jaana tora tora
Dear lustrous black

او تورہ تورہ
ao tora tora
O lustrous black

تورہ دہ جلکی
tora da jalkai
Dusky is the damsel

شینکی خال یې په تندي باندې
sheenke khaal e pa tandi baande
Blue-greenish dots adorn her brow

تورو تورو سترګویې خوړلی یم زړګي باندې
tooro tooro stargo e khwarale yam zargi baande
Her lustrous black eyes have stung my heart

تورہ دہ جلکی
tora da jalkai
Dusky is the damsel

تورہ دہ جلکی
tora da jalkai
Dusky is the damsel

شینکی خال یې په تندي باندې
sheenke khaal e pa tandi baande
Blue-greenish dots adorn her brow

تورو تورو سترګویې خوړلی یم زړګي باندې
tooro tooro stargo e khwarale yam zargi baande
Her lustrous black eyes have stung my heart

تورہ دہ جلکی
tora da jalkai
Dusky is the damsel

تورہ دہ جلکی
tora da jalkai
Dusky is the damsel

زار تورہ دہ جلکی
zaar tora da jalkai
Oh dusky is the damsel!

شینکی خال یې په تندي باندې
sheenke khaal e pa tandi baande
Blue-greenish dots adorn her brow

تورو تورو سترګویې خوړلی یم زړګي باندې
tooro tooro stargo e khwarale yam zargi baande
Her lustrous black eyes have stung my heart

تورہ دہ جلکی
tora da jalkai
Dusky is the damsel

او تورہ دہ جلکی
ao tora da jalkai
O dusky is the damsel!

awai allah

Oh God!

د تورو سترګو اشارې دي
da tooro stargo ashaare di
The lure of lustrous black eyes

تورہ دہ جلکی
tora da jalkai
Dusky is the damsel

awai allah

Oh God!

د تورو سترګو اشارې دي
da tooro stargo ashaare di
The lure of lustrous black eyes

 تورہ دہ جلکی
tora da jalkai
Dusky is the damsel

تورہ دہ جلکی
tora da jalkai
Dusky is the damsel

شینکی خال یې په تندي باندې
sheenke khaal e pa tandi baande
Blue-greenish dots adorn her brow

او د تورو سترګو تور ښامار خوړلی یمه
ao da tooro stargo tur khaamaar khwarale yama
Oh! The black serpent of her ebony eyes has stung me

تورہ دہ جلکی
tora da jalkai
Dusky is the damsel

تورہ دہ جلکی
tora da jalkai
Dusky is the damsel

زار تورہ دہ جلکی
zaar tora da jalkai
Oh dusky is the damsel!

شینکی خال یې په تندي باندې
sheenke khaal e pa tandi baande
Blue-greenish dots adorn her brow

تورو تورو سترګویې خوړلی یم زړګي باندې
tooro tooro stargo e khwarale yam zargi baande
Her lustrous black eyes have stung my heart

تورہ دہ جلکی
tora da jalkai
Dusky is the damsel

الا تورہ تورہ
ala tora tora
Oh lustrous black

جانه تورہ تورہ
jaana tora tora
Dear lustrous black

او تورہ تورہ
ao tora tora
O lustrous black

الا تورہ تورہ
ala tora tora
Oh lustrous black

تورہ تورہ
tora tora
O lustrous black

الا تورہ تورہ
ala tora tora
Oh lustrous black

جانه تورہ تورہ
jaana tora tora
Dear lustrous black

او تورہ تورہ
ao tora tora
O lustrous black

تورہ دہ جلکی
tora da jalkai
Dusky is the damsel

شینکی خال یې په تندي باندې
sheenke khaal e pa tandi baande
Blue-greenish dots adorn her brow

تورو تورو سترګویې خوړلی یم زړګي باندې
tooro tooro stargo e khwarale yam zargi baande
Her lustrous black eyes have stung my heart

تورہ دہ جلکی
tora da jalkai
Dusky is the damsel

او تورہ دہ جلکی
ao tora da jalkai
O Dusky is the damsel

او تورہ دہ جلکی
ao tora da jalkai
O Dusky is the damsel

تورہ دہ جلکی
tora da jalkai
Dusky is the damsel

This post, Hamayoon Khan Tora Bahraam Khaana, Coke Studio Season 5 Episode 4 , was originally published at

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Bohemia and Chakwal Group Kandyaari Dhol Geet, Coke Studio Season 5 Episode 4

Posted: 23 Jun 2012 12:06 PM PDT

Bohemia and Chakwal Group Kandyaari Dhol Geet performed in Coke Studio Season 5 Episode 4 – Watch full music video & download mp3 below:

[ Download Mp3 ]

Kandyaari Dhol Geet – Lyrics

Title: Kandyaari Dhol Geet – کنڈیاری دھول گیت – Kandyaari Drum Song

Language: Punjabi

اچھا کنڈیاریئے
achchha kandiyaariye
O sharp and thorny one!

درداں ماریئے
dardaan maariye
O afflicted one!

ہائے تیرے دو نین آزردے کل پئے
haae tere do nain aazurde kall pae
Oh! Your pain-filled eyes are tormented


تیرے تو بھلیاں
tere to bhulyaan
I have forgotten you

تو نہ رئیں ایں
tu na raeen en
You are no more

وے مسیتی سر پیا دھوناں
we maseeti sir piya dhonaan
Performing ablutions in the mosque

ٹھلیاں اکھیاں تے چھم چھم روناں
thulliyaan akhiyaan te chham chham ronaan
Streaming eyes and torrents of tears


اکھیاں تے چھم چھم روناں
akhiyaan te chham chham ronaan
…eyes and torrents of tears

کیں کج آکھیا؟
kain kuj aakhya
Did someone say something?

بھلا میرا من
bhalla mera mann
My trusting heart

ہائے کئی جھلّے کر مارئے
haae kayi jhalle kar maariye
Oh! So many have you driven to a crazed death!


ہائے کئی دلاں نوں پیاریئے
haae kayi dillaan noon piyaariye
Oh! The object of so many hearts' adoration!

ہائے تیرے دو نین آزردے کل پئے
haae tere do nain aazurde kall pae
Oh! Your pain-filled eyes are tormented


وے مسیتی رکھیاں پڑیاں
we maseeti rakhiyaan pariyaan
O the steps of the stairs in the mosque

لگیاں توڑ کدی نہ چڑھیاں
lagyaan tor kadi nah charhiyaan
Love never reaches its desired destination


توڑ کدی نہ چڑھیاں
tor kadi nah charhiyaan
…never reaches its desired destination

سر پر ترٹیاں
sir par trutiyaan
Splinters at the final stage

بھلا میرا من
bhalla mera mann
My trusting heart

ہائے کئی جھلّے کر مارئے
haae kayi jhalle kar maariye
Oh! So many have you driven to a crazed death!


ہائے کئی دلاں نوں پیاریئے
haae kayi dillaan noon piyaariye
Oh! The object of so many hearts' adoration!

ہائے تیرے دو نین آزردے کل پئے
haae tere do nain aazurde kall pae
Oh! Your pain-filled eyes are tormented


میرا ماہی ہرنی دا بکّ وے
mera maai harni da bakk ve
O my sweetheart is the fawn of a doe

مارے چنگیاں تے ویندا نس وے
maare chungiyaan te wainda nass we
O he leaps about and bolts away


چنگیاں تے ویندا نس
chungiyaan te wainda nass
…leaps and bolts away

پکڑائی نئیوں دیندا
pakraai naiyyon dainda
Doesn't get captured

بھلا میرا من
bhalla mera mann
My trusting heart

ہائے کئی جھلّے کر مارئے
haae kayi jhalle kar maariye
Oh! So many have you driven to a crazed death!


ہائے کئی دلاں نوں پیاریئے
haae kayi dillaan noon piyaariye
Oh! The object of so many hearts' adoration!

ہائے تیرے دو نین آزردے کل پئے
haae tere do nain aazurde kall pae
Oh! Your pain-filled eyes are tormented


ادّھا پیر فقیر، ادّھا رند شرابی
addha peer fakeer addha rind sharaabi
Half a saint and half a debauchee

وے نم میرا راجا راہ جہڑی میری مرضی خدا کی
we naam mera raja raah jihri meri marzi khuda di
My name is Raaja, and my path is that which God wills

مینوں اپنیاں نیں لٹیا
mainoon apniyaan nen luttiya
My own loved ones destroyed me

رب نے بناکے اس دنیا چ سٹیا
rabb ne banaake is dunya ch suttiya
God created me and flung into this world

کوئی کہوے دنیا چ قدر نئیں پیار دی
koi kahve dunya ch qadr naeen pyaar di
Some say that love has no value in this world

کوئی کہوے وے دنیا خوشیاں میرے یار دی
koi kahwe we dunya khushyaan mere yaar di
Some say: "O the world is my beloved's happiness"

وکھری کہانی ہر کسی دی زبانی
wakhri kahaani har kisi di zabaani
Everyone recites a different tale

ہن رت وے طوفانی پر امید وے بہار دی
hun rut we tufaani par umeed we bahaar di
O it's stormy right now but there's the hope of spring

کوئی کہوے دنیا وے رب دی آواز
koi kahve dunya we rabb di aawaaz
Some say: "The world is God's voice"

کوئی کہوے ؟ دنیا توں رب وے ناراض
koi kahwe ? dunya ton rabb we naaraaz
Some say "God is displeased with the world"

ساڈی اکو ہی آس
saaddi ikko hi aas
We have only one longing

رب سن لے آواز
rabb son le aawaaz
May God hear our cry!

یاراں متراں دا ساتھ
yaaraan mitraan da saath
Friends and mates at my side

پانویں دن ہو یا رات
paanwen din ho ya raat
Be it day or be it night

رہے متراں دا ساتھ
rahey mitraan da saath
Friends be at my side

بھانویں دن ہو یا رات
bhaanwen din ho ya raat
Be it day or be it night

سچے متراں دا ساتھ
sacche mitraan da saath
True friends at my side

بھانویں دن ہو یا رات
bhaanwen din ho ya raat
Be it day or be it night

اتھے کیش ہے تے عیش
itthe kaish hai te 'aish
Here if there's cash, there is delight and luxury

سارے پیسے دے پجاری
saare paise de pujaari
All are worshippers of wealth

پائی پائی وے جند میں بتوڑدے گزاری
paai paai we jind men batorde guzaari
I've spent all my life amassing petty pennies

میں وی دنیا چ آیا میں نہ دنیا بنائی
main wi dunya ch aaya main nah dunya banaai
I just came into the world, I did not create it

پر راس نہ آئی مینوں دنیا دہائی
par raas nah aayi mainoon dunya – duhaai
But the world did not ultimately appeal to me – Alas!

ہن بوتلاں شراب دیاں سڑکاں تے ڈوہل
hun botlaan sharaab diyaan sarkaan te dohl
Now pouring bottles of liquor out into the streets

جند آئے جائے پچھے رہن یاداں
jind aaye jaaye pichchhe rahn yaadaan
Life comes and goes, memories remain

لوکی بولن رب سن لے توں ساریاں ہن آفتاں اٹھالے
loki bolan rabb son le toon saaryaan hun aafataan uthaale
People say: "O Lord! Please hear us! Take away these calamities!"

لگدا نئیں دل، مینوں واپس بلالے
lagda naeen dil mainoon waapas bulaale
My heart gets no peace here! Call me back!

وے لگدا نئیں دل مینوں واپس بلالے
we lagda naeen dil mainoon waapas bulaale
My heart gets no peace here! O call me back!

وے لگدا نئیں دل مینوں واپس بلالے
we lagda naeen dil mainoon waapas bulaale
My heart gets no peace here! O call me back!

اوئے لگدا نئیں دل مینوں واپس بلالے
oye lagda naeen dil mainoon waapas bulaale
My heart gets no peace here! Hey, call me back!

لگدا نئیں دل مینوں واپس بلالے
lagda naeen dil mainoon waapas bulaale
My heart gets no peace here! Call me back!

This post, Bohemia and Chakwal Group Kandyaari Dhol Geet, Coke Studio Season 5 Episode 4 , was originally published at

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Atif Aslam Dholna, Coke Studio Season 5 Episode 4

Posted: 23 Jun 2012 12:03 PM PDT

Atif Aslam Dholna, Coke Studio Season 5 Episode 4

Atif ASlam singing Dholna in Coke StudioThis song “Dholna” was supposed to be on one of Atif Aslam's albums but he wanted to do it for Coke Studio. The song talks about Aslam's journey. He writes about the idea of searching for someone and turning to God in pain of separation from his beloved. The spiritual search for God and yearning for closeness makes the person stronger and see the Sufi idea of ‘true’ love in a different way to the point that they don't need the worldly love they set out looking for. In the song Atif writes that the beloved returns but the person doesn't need them anymore because he has found God and needs nothing else.

Aslam decided to include a section from 'Shaana Uchiyan' the renowned qawali performed by Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan. He felt the qawali would help bring out the idea of searching for God and add a higher spiritual dimension to his music. A track created upon cyclic rhythm layers, which evolve through shifting accents while the underlying rhythm remains unchanged.

Watch Music Video and Download Audio Mp3 of Atif Aslam’s Dholna performed in Coke Studio Season 5 Episode 4.

Watch full music video below and mp3 download link below:

[ Download Mp3 ]

Dholna – Lyrics

Title: Dholna – ڈھولنا – Beloved

Language: Braj, Punjabi, Urdu

امڈ امڈ پڑوں میں تورے لاگ
umad umad paroon main tore lag
I surge towards you, spellbound in your love

آویں نا سیّاں
aaween na sayyaan
Come, my heart's master!

امڈ امڈ
umad umad
I surge towards you

پڑوں میں تورے
paroon main tore
Spellbound in your…

آ وے ڈھولنا وے
aa we dholna we
Come, O beloved!

آ وے ڈھولنا وے
aa we dholna we
Come, O beloved!

آ وے ڈھولنا وے
aa we dholna we
Come, O beloved!

رات نہ جاویں وے
raat nah jaaween we
Don't go this night, please!

آ وے ڈھولنا وے
aa we dholna we
Come, O beloved!

آ وے ڈھولنا وے
aa we dholna we
Come, O beloved!

آ وے ڈھولنا وے
aa we dholna we
Come, O beloved!

بدرا لگی وہ شام
badra lagi woh shaam
Rainclouds gather, dusk…

بدرا لگی وہ شام ڈھلی تو
badra lagi woh shaam dhali to
Rainclouds gather, dusk is departing

ایسے میں آئیں گے پیا رے
aise men aaen ge piya re
Here's when my dearest will come, oh!

پیا رے
piya re
O dearest

پیا رے
piya re
O dearest

بدرا لگی وہ
badra lagi woh
Rainclouds gather

شام ڈھلی تو
shaam dhali to
Dusk is departing

ایسے میں آئیں گے پیا رے
aise men aaen ge piya re
Here's when my dearest will come, oh!

بدرا لگی وہ
badra lagi woh
Rainclouds gather

شام ڈھلی تو
shaam dhali to
Dusk is departing

ایسے میں آئیں گے پیا رے
aise men aaen ge piya re
Here's when my dearest will come, oh!

آ وے ڈھولنا وے
aa we dholna we
Come, O beloved!

آ وے ڈھولنا وے
aa we dholna we
Come, O beloved!

آ وے ڈھولنا وے
aa we dholna we
Come, O beloved!

رات نہ جاویں وے
raat nah jaaween we
Don't go this night, please!

آ وے ڈھولنا وے
aa we dholna we
Come, O beloved!

شاناں اچّیاں
shaanaan ucchiyaan
Great is…

…your (grandeur)


شاناں اچّیاں تیریاں پیرا
shaanaan ucchiyaan teriyaan peera
Great is your grandeur, master!

ہوون دور ہنیریاں پیرا
howan door haneriyaan peera
Please dispel this darkness, master!

آساں ہین ودھیریاں پیرا
aasaan hain wadheriyaan peera
Longings are so many, master!

سن عرجاں اجّ میریاں پیرا
sun arjaan ajj meriyaan peera
Hear this day my pleadings, master!

شاناں اچّیاں
shaanaan ucchiyaan
Great is…

شاناں اچّیاں
shaanaan ucchiyaan
Great is…

تیریاں پیرا
teriyaan peera
…your (grandeur), master!

ہوون دور
howan door
Please dispel…

ہوون دور
howan door
Please dispel…




آساں ہین
aasaan hain
Longings are…



سن عرجاں
sun arjaan
Hear my pleadings

اجّ میریاں
ajj meriyaan
…this day

آ وے ڈھول
aa we dhol-
Come, O beloved

آ وے ڈھول
aa we dhol-
Come, O beloved

آ وے ڈھول
aa we dhol-
Come, O beloved

ڈھولن ماہیا
dholan maahiya
Darling beloved

ڈھولن ماہیا
dholan maahiya
Darling beloved





آ وے ڈھولنا وے
aa we dholna we
Come, O beloved!

آ وے ڈھولنا وے
aa we dholna we
Come, O beloved!

آ وے ڈھولنا وے
aa we dholna we
Come, O beloved!

رات نہ جاویں وے
raat nah jaaween we
Don't go this night, please!

آ وے ڈھولنا وے
aa we dholna we
Come, O beloved!





گل دل دی بولنا
gal dil di bolna
Speak the words in your heart







آ وے ڈھولنا
aa we dholna
Come, beloved

آ وے ڈھولنا
aa we dholna
Come, beloved

آ وے ڈھولنا وے
aa we dholna we
Come, O beloved!

آ وے ڈھولنا وے
aa we dholna we
Come, O beloved!

آ وے ڈھولنا وے
aa we dholna we
Come, O beloved!

رات نہ جاویں وے
raat nah jaaween we
Don't go this night, please!

آ وے ڈھولنا وے
aa we dholna we
Come, O beloved!

This post, Atif Aslam Dholna, Coke Studio Season 5 Episode 4 , was originally published at

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Uzair Jaswal Bolay, Coke Studio Season 5 Episode 4

Posted: 23 Jun 2012 12:01 PM PDT

Uzair Jaswal Bolay, Coke Studio Season 5 Episode 4

Watch Music Video and Download Mp3 of Uzair Jaswal’s new song Bolay performed in Coke Studio Season 5 Episode 4.

[ Download Mp3 ]

Bolay – Lyrics:

Title: Bolay – بولے – Says

Language: Urdu

میں اکیلا تھا، تو اکیلی تھی
main akela tha, tu akeli thi
I was alone and you were alone too

سونی اس دنیا میں گم تھے ہم تم کہیں
sooni is dunya main gum the ham tum kaheen
In this desolate world, you and I were lost somewhere

کسے تھا پتا، کسی تھی خبر
kise tha pata, kise thi khabar
Who had been aware, who even knew?

یوں ان راہوں پہ مل جائیں گے دو اجنبی
yoon in raahon pih mil jaaen ge do ajnabi
Thus, along these paths, two strangers would meet

باتوں ہی باتوں میں، ان خالی راتوں میں
baaton hi baaton men, in khaali raaton men
In the course of words, in these empty nights

تم لے کر آئی ہو اک نئی صبح
tum le kar aayi ho ik nayi subah
You have brought along a fresh dawn

بولے دل کہ پاس آجا
bole dil kih paas aaja
The heart says: "Come to me!"

ایسے تو تو نہ جا
aise to tu nah ja
Please don't go away thus

اکھیوں سے دور دور
akhiyon se door door
So far from my eyes

بولے دل کہ پاس آجا
bole dil kih paas aaja
The heart says: "Come to me!"

ایسے تو تو نہ جا
aise to tu nah ja
Please don't go away thus

اکھیوں سے دور دور کہیں
akhiyon se door door kaheen
Far from my eyes somewhere

تم بھی چپ رہے اور ہم نہ کہہ سکے
tum bhi chup rahe aur ham nah kah sake
You stayed silent, too, and I, too, could not say

خاموشی کے درمیاں تھے فاصلے کئی
khaamoshi ke darmiyaan the faasile kayi
Hidden in the silence were many distances

جب بھی ہم ملتے ہیں ایسا ہی ہوتا ہے
jab bhi ham milte hain aisa hi hota hai
Each time we meet, the same thing happens

کتنی ہیں باتیں پر کہہ پاؤں نہ
kitni hain baaten par kah paaoon nah
So much to say, but the words don't emerge

کھولیں دل کے راز آجا
kholen dil ke raaz aaja
Come! Let's reveal the secrets of our hearts!

ایسے تو تو نہ جا
aise to tu nah ja
Please don't go away thus

اکھیوں سے دور دور
akhiyon se door door
So far from my eyes

بولے دل کہ پاس آجا
bole dil kih paas aaja
The heart says: "Come to me!"

ایسے تو تو نہ جا
aise to tu nah ja
Please don't go away thus

اکھیوں سے دور دور کہیں
akhiyon se door door kaheen
Far from my eyes somewhere

باتوں ہی باتوں میں، ان خالی راتوں میں
baaton hi baaton men, in khaali raaton men
In the course of words, in these empty nights

تم لے کر آئی ہو اک نئی صبح
tum le kar aayi ho ik nayi subah
You have brought along a fresh dawn

بولے دل کہ پاس آجا
bole dil kih paas aaja
The heart says: "Come to me!"

ایسے تو تو نہ جا
aise to tu nah ja
Please don't go away thus

اکھیوں سے دور دور
akhiyon se door door
So far from my eyes

بولے دل کہ پاس آجا
bole dil kih paas aaja
The heart says: "Come to me!"

ایسے تو تو نہ جا
aise to tu nah ja
Please don't go away thus

اکھیوں سے دور دور
akhiyon se door door
So far from my eyes

کھولیں دل کے راز آجا
kholen dil ke raaz aaja
Come! Let's reveal the secrets of our hearts!

ایسے تو تو نہ جا
aise to tu nah ja
Please don't go away thus

اکھیوں سے دور دور
akhiyon se door door
So far from my eyes

بولے دل کہ پاس آجا
bole dil kih paas aaja
The heart says: "Come to me!"

ایسے تو تو نہ جا
aise to tu nah ja
Please don't go away thus

اکھیوں سے دور دور کہیں
akhyon se door door kaheen
Far from my eyes somewhere

This post, Uzair Jaswal Bolay, Coke Studio Season 5 Episode 4 , was originally published at

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Coke Studio Season 5 Episode 4 Mp3 Downloads – Full Episode 4

Posted: 23 Jun 2012 12:00 PM PDT

The brand new fourth episode of Coke Studio Season 5 is finally here! Coke Studio Season 5 Episode 4 mp3 downloads are now available to download for FREE, Courtesy of Coke Studio Website. The Episode 4 of Coke Studio 5 features Atif Aslam, Uzair Jaswal, Hamayoon Khan, Bohemia with Chakwal Group and Abu Fareed and Abu Muhammad..

Coke Studio Season 5 Episode 4

Please find below the complete episode links including the link to 1-click mp3 downloads, official music videos and Song Lyrics of Episode 4 performances.

1. Atif Aslam – Dholna [ Download Mp3 ] – [ Watch Video and Lyrics ]

2. Uzair Jaswal – Bolay [ Download Mp3 ] – [ Watch Video and Lyrics ]

3. Bohemia and Chakwal Group – Kandyaari Dhol Geet [ Download Mp3 ] – [ Watch Video and Lyrics ]

4. Hamayoon Khan – Tora Bahraam Khaana [ Download Mp3 ] – [ Watch Video and Lyrics ]

5. Fareed Ayaz and Abu Muhammad – Rung [ Download Mp3 ] – [ Watch Video and Lyrics ]

This post, Coke Studio Season 5 Episode 4 Mp3 Downloads – Full Episode 4 , was originally published at

Introducing Jabar Abbas

Posted: 23 Jun 2012 06:03 AM PDT

Jabar AbbasJabar Abbas is a passionate artist who strives to better himself everyday! A performer par excellence who can captivate audience with his presence! A rockstar whose capabilities are limited by no boundaries!

Early Life:

On 14th October 1983, Jabar Abbas was born to Shaukat Ali; a renowned assistant music director of Pakistani Film Industry. Jabar Abbas started his singing career at the age of 15 when he sang a song for the movie of Shamim Ara. He also worked as child artist in several movies. In 2001, Jabar joined Government College University, where he completed his bachelors' in arts. Finally in 2007, he obtained his masters degree in Political Science. While serving as the President of Nazir Ahmad Music Society (cultural pillar of GCU, which is led by Tariq Farani, son of UM Saleem Khan), Jabar garnered the prestigious role of honor for his invaluable contribution to music.


His main influences in music come from Mohd.Rafi, Lata Mangeshkar, Ghulam Ali and Sonu Nigam, Madan Mohan, R.D Burman, A.R Rehman and the list goes on.

Pop Music, Sufi, Playback Singing

Musical Odyssey:

Jabar Abbas enthralled the music scene in 2007 with his playback singing for "Hum Sub Umeed Se Hain "on Geo Television. Singer Jabar Abbas in StudioThis musical venture featured various parody songs as 'Hawle Hawle' and 'Siasat Ka Jalwa'. The song "Hawle Hawle" was a massive success for the artist and Jabar managed to win "Song of the Year" award by Bus Kar Awards on Geo TV. Jabar was awarded the certificate of appreciation by American Consulate for his ravishing performance in 2007.Jabar also received the best composition award for his mesmerizing song "Pehle Nazar Ka Ishara" in a reality show named Jazz Icon.


Jabar paid tribute to two legendary figures of music namely A.R.Rehman and Reshma on Hum TV in 2009, which earned him recognition in music circles who noted that Jabar can sing songs of different moods and varieties, completely switching genres.

Jabar is nowadays working on various projects and looking for strategies to further enhance his career. In addition, Jabar has five years teaching experience as a music teacher at Aitchison College, Beaconhouse and Lahore Grammar School which solidified his reputation and explored his musical potentialities. Recently, Jabar sang title songs for movies, TV serials and commercials composed by Waqar Ali , Sahar Ali Bugga, Shani Haider and many more, the leading music directors of Pakistan.


Most Recently, Jabar has recorded the smashing track "Chan Mahi" for his debut album. The music for the song is arranged by Shani Haider and the video is directed by Jalal, who are big names in music fraternity. The much awaited song is released recently.

This post, Introducing Jabar Abbas , was originally published at


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