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Meera’s Story of Getting Married Has More Twists, Fiance’s Father is Against it

Posted: 29 Feb 2012 08:10 AM PST


Meera's fairy tale wedding has more than just those two twists of Attiqur Rahman hindering in between and losing the gift watch of her fiance on the day of the engagement. This time is even bigger a hurdle. Naveed Shahzad's father, Raja Khalid is against them both getting married.

The reason being simple, he does not think Meera to be fit for his son. He called her a fraud and a cheat who deceived his son. According to the Express News, Raja Khalid said that Meera never revealed that she had been married once before and that her case is still in court.

Furthermore, Raja Khalid accused Meera of taking away around $400,000 from Naveed Shahzad. Things will not be taken lightly by Raja Khalid and he has decided to even file an FIR against Meera for getting back the money.

Read more at: Meera's Story of Getting Married Has More Twists, Fiance's Father is Against it

Exclusive Interview of LPNY Star Ali Zafar

Posted: 29 Feb 2012 06:30 AM PST


Exclusive Interview of LPNY Star Ali Zafar: Watch this exclusive video of the London Paris New York star Ali Zafar. He spoke exclusively to Filmsofindia about his movies and his interests.


Read more at: Exclusive Interview of LPNY Star Ali Zafar

Falak Rog OST 7 Welcome to London (Video)

Posted: 29 Feb 2012 06:22 AM PST


Falak Rog OST 7 Welcome to London (Video)

Artist: Falak Shabbir

Song: Rog Ost 7 Welcome to London

Read more at: Falak Rog OST 7 Welcome to London (Video)

Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy Gets Complimented by Angelina Jolie for Pakistan’s First Oscar Win

Posted: 29 Feb 2012 05:34 AM PST


Angelina Julie Compliments Sharmeen For Oscar WinSharmeen Obaid-Chinoy has been receiving praise from all corners and from most people for her Oscar win. She made a record by being the first Pakistani to ever get an Oscar nomination and now a win. Angelina Jolie also did not lag behind in congratulating her for this unique achievement.

According to the New York Times, Jolie complimented Sharmeen backstage for her win. Jolie had been a goodwill ambassador to Pakistan for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees many times. About her victory, Sharmeen said to the New York Times correspondent in Islamabad that:

"It reinforces the fact you can be anyone, come from anywhere and as long as you do quality work it gets rewarded."

Sharmeen's efforts into bringing the issue of acid victims to the forefront and her dedication as a filmmaker are an inspiration to others. Her film sends a strong message of hope that Pakistan despite all of its problems can still manage to see the light of a better day with the help of its own people.

Image Photoshopped by Pakium Team Member Ata ur Rehman

Read more at: Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy Gets Complimented by Angelina Jolie for Pakistan's First Oscar Win

Ali Zafar Wants to Compose Music for Other Films too

Posted: 29 Feb 2012 05:28 AM PST


Ali Zafar is a multi-talented person there is no doubt in his abilities as a performer. But it is Ali himself who wants to maintain his strains into different fields of music. He wishes to compose music not just for his own films but for others too. Recently, during an interview to, Ali Zafar said:

"I hope people like my acting and music. Right now, I only want to sing for my own films where I play the lead. At a later stage I may consider composing and singing for films where I’m not on screen."

Ali Zafar also put the rumour straight for the record and reveals that nothing has been planned regarding having Katrina Kaif sing along for his next music album. What would actually happened, for that we all have to wait for at least the next two years. Ali Zafar said:

"I won’t start recording for my album for at least two years. As for Katrina’s involvement on my album, I don’t know where that news came from. We jammed together during our last film. We love music and discussed a possibility of recording together but there is nothing planned. Both Aditi and Katrina are really dear to me. They’re musically inclined and talented girls. If they are willing to be part of my album a few years later, it will be my pleasure to have them onboard."

Being such a great music player and a music fan himself, one wonders whom does he idolize. His style of singing has often been compared to the great Kishore Da. About his musical style and inspirations, Ali said:

"It is a big compliment for me when people compare me to Kishore Kumar because he is one man who I always look up to. He was so talented that I cannot dare to stand any closer to him. He was somebody who used to sing and act. Elvis Presley and Frank Sinatra, these are the people whom I idolise a lot. They have done movies and they used to sing songs. I just hope, in my small way, I can be somewhere close to these big names."

Read more at: Ali Zafar Wants to Compose Music for Other Films too


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